Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – South Africa, a place your feet may leave but your heart will always be
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
You can’t buy happiness but you can marry a South African and that’s kind of the same thing
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – COFFEE spelled backwards is EEFFOC As in I don’t give EEFFOC until I’ve had COFFEE
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – Every dog has it`s day The other 364 days belong to the Cats
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – If you are what you eat then I’m fast, cheap and easy
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – Mothers of little Boys work from Son up till Son down
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – My cat is an angel from heaven above with sandpaper kisses & a heart full of love
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – Riding is… The art of keeping a horse between you and the ground
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fathers Day Gifts
Fathers Day Gifts
Magnet – RAISING KIDS is the only job where you work 24/7 and it actually costs you money
Fridge Magnet Gifts
We are not spoilt – We just happen to be very good at training people
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – Without coffee I wouldn’t be the perky foul-mouthed delight that I am
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Magnet – A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just BLOOMS
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Beer and Wine Gifts
Magnet – Beer drinking and rugby watching makes for a long life
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Fridge Magnet Gifts
Beer and Wine Gifts